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Boosting Productivity
Time Management – In and Out
Productivity and Time Management
All That You Know About Time Management Is Wrong
Chapter 01: Effectiveness Vs. Efficiency
Effectiveness versus Efficiency
Effectiveness > Efficiency
Increasing Effectiveness
Chapter 02: Expediting Success
Expediting Success
Creating A Vision
Setting Your Goals
S.M.A.R.T.E.R is an acronym that stands for
1. Specific
2. Measurable
3. Achievable
4. Relevant
5. Time-Bound
6. Evaluate
7. Revise
Chapter 03: The Action-Plan to Success
The Action-Plan to Success
Step 1: Develop The Right Plan For You.
Step2: Allocate The Time For It.
Step 3: Keep A Journal
Step 4: Reflect on Where You Are and Where You Want To Be
Step 5: Set Clear and Achievable Goals
Step 6: Act on It!
Chapter 04: Supercharge your Productivity
Supercharge your Productivity
Have Big Goals in Mind
Give Each Day A Theme
Set Limits
Deep Work Zone
Streamline Decisions
Get To Work Before Everyone Else
Protect Your Time
Close Virtual Doors
Separate Work And Personal Life
Clear Out Your Inbox Everyday
Chapter 05: Why Energy Is Everything
Why Energy Is Everything?
The Body
The Emotion
The Mind
The Spirit
Chapter 06: Supercharged Productivity Hacks
Supercharged Productivity Hacks
1. Having A Game Plan
2. What Should You Do First?
3. Increasing Motivation
4. Setbacks Are Stepping Stones
5. Taking Care Of Yourself
Chapter 07: Being a One Man Army
Being a One Man Army
The 3 Ways To Leverage
Chapter 08: Follow One’s Cause Until Successful (FOCUS)
Follow One’s Cause Until Successful (FOCUS)
1. Stop Multitasking, As Multitasking Is A Myth.
2. Schedule Your Day, Plan Ahead
3.Use The Pomodoro Technique
4. Eat Healthy To Retain Your Focus
5. Meditate
So What’s Next?
So What’s Next?
S.M.A.R.T.E.R is an acronym that stands for
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